
1. 排毒降温:三七花性微甜清凉,有助于清热、平肝、降血压,常用于头晕、耳鸣、高血压、急性喉咙感染等症状。
2. 护肝:支持肝脏代谢,减少过量饮酒带来的负担。
3. 增强免疫力:富含三七皂苷,增强免疫功能,提高抗菌抗病毒能力。
4. 抗疲劳抗衰老:含有丰富的人参皂苷,有助于减轻疲劳、延缓衰老并减少自由基损伤,对皮肤健康有益。

1. 寒性体质者不宜饮用:三七花性寒,可能加重寒性体质者的症状。
2. 月经期避免饮用:女性在月经期间应避免饮用,可能导致月经量增多。
3. 感冒和流感期间不推荐:可能加重因风寒引起的感冒症状。
4. 孕妇不宜饮用:孕妇应避免饮用三七花茶,以免对母婴造成潜在风险。
5. 避免与其他草本茶混合:三七花茶效果最佳时单独饮用,与其他茶混合可能降低其效果。

1. 温水泡法:将适量三七花放入温水中浸泡。
2. 热水冲泡:用80°C以上的热水冲泡,盖上盖子,浸泡5到10分钟后饮用。
3. 慢炖:将花朵放入小锅中慢炖,以改善其可消化性并减少苦味。


Elliot E. 2023-09-19

One of my favorite teas

Nina M. 2021-09-20

San Qi Flower tea is known to help with high blood pressure and cardiac issues. Before I began to drink this tea, I was always cold in bed. Since I began to drink it, I am warmer in bed and sleep better at night. It works best if I drink it twice a day, twelve hours apart to maintain a constant blood level. It helps me better than any prescription medication.

Monica S. 2020-10-11

Bold initial scent, very medicinal and earthy like slices of dried ginseng root. Despite technically being a flower tea, expect strong herbal tones with hints of spices. Most impressive is the aftertaste which starts quite bitter for a second and then turns syrup sweet very fast, coating the mouth. The contrast is unexpectedly nice and is actually quite an addictive experience that encourages short sips. Brew it as indicated above or the sweetness may be lost though.

Ming Y. 2020-09-30

Take this tea regularly to regulate blood pressure

Stephen W. 2020-08-22

Always a great service & wrapped with care to arrive in perfect condition.




  • 型号: SQHC50
  • 商品库存: In Stock
  • $9.90

  • 税前 $9.90


标签 野生, 中草药, 三七, 田七, 花茶,