Konstantinas D. 20/05/2022

Gentle and flowerish.

Dénes S. 23/08/2021

I would have expect more punchy experience from YS in thsi category, still pleasure to drink

Ali M. 25/01/2021

الشاي جدا ممتاز وجميع أصدقائي أعجبو بالشاي

Gary H. 02/11/2020

Beautiful, fresh, and delicious.

Justin P. 23/05/2020

I ordered this within the white tea sampler, tasted it and immediately fell in love with it. It's sweet and has some geat herbal notes, a thick mouthfeel and . I usually brew this western style with 2 tsp to 300ml for 6-7 minutes, but after a long day i enjoy this brewed in a gaiwan with the parameters on page 2 of the reviews. Thanks for that! This is my daily drinker and perfect for some special occasions as well (for an unbeatable price). I could dig my head into this.