Maurijn B. 14/04/2018

NIce tea with lastig umami sweetness and some subtle vegetal/nutty notes.

Frank B. 27/03/2018

I went through my 2017 bag quicker than any other green tea I've ever had. The 2018 harvest is just as good, maybe even a bit better. Perfect marriage of nuttiness and vegetal with an extremely clean and thirst quenching mouthfeel. No bitterness, no astringency, hard to over brew, refreshing. So damn good. Perfect every-day drinker.

annie L. 30/11/-0001

good tea

Tom H. 30/11/-0001

Great tea!

Michael A. 30/11/-0001

Really enjoyable, light and refreshing. Almonds, marzipan and light floral notes