Nikolay F. 30/11/-0001

Tasting notes: very complex roasted, chocolate and toffee notes Brewing parameters: 8g/150ml, 95C, 20s->+5s (keep first brew to drink last)

Ikbae S. 30/11/-0001

Great taste and good aroma

Stanley G. 30/11/-0001

This tea lasts for many brewings. It starts off with a more mellow but rich flavor in the first brewings. After a while, the pleasant bitterness of the tea came out. This slight astringency pairs very nicely with the wonderful floral aroma, which persists through many brewings and lingers in the mouth.

SGT 30/11/-0001

Consistently flavorless beyond 1-2 infusions. Brewing methods that have worked for dan cong from other vendors simply do not work for this. Highly disappointed.