Karen C. 18/04/2021

This is the first time I have ever had AAA grade tea it is AMAZING!!!!!! Will never settle for anything less!

fuzz 06/04/2021

I have had A MILLION ball oolongs from A MILLION places and this is the best. Hits every note I want. Buttery and floral and milky and green and sweet and just like...it does it all. Truly incredible. I'm basically gonna order this every season forever.

Andrew M. 04/04/2021

I don't get it. Smells like thick steamed spinach, tastes like nuts or something, but the aftertaste is really pleasant fruity taste. Nothing seems to line up with this guan yin . If this is how they taste then I don't like it and that's just me. But if it's suppose to taste and smell like this then I guess it's good. It's a pass for me

Justin S. 19/03/2021

excellent quality

Mark 15/01/2021

Almost buttery in the early brewings. Leaves are delicate and splendid unfurled. Superb Guan Yin and one of the best teas in the website.