Thomas C. 07/05/2024

Having had only lower grade Jasmine Pearl in the past, I wanted to give this tea a shot. Brewing this Gong Fu, with a gaiwan. This tea is very delicate and smooth. I tried pushing this tea with longer brew times, and amazingly I just can't extract any bitterness from this tea within reasonable brewing parameters. Normally these teas smack you in the face with jasmine, but with this tea the jasmine takes a backseat and creates a pretty balanced brew. At first the muted jasmine flavor left me feeling somewhat wanting, but I think I will learn to appreciate the more complexity this tea has to offer. Worth a try if you're looking for a well balanced and tasty green tea.

Derrick P. 21/04/2024

Definitely a re-buy product.

Ivan R. 17/02/2024

Very good!

Philipp S. 10/02/2024

My local tea shop’s jasmine pearls can’t even dream to compare to their quality! They’re really really good, and well balanced! Very smooth and sweet aftertaste. Makes your mouth feel hugged from the inside.

David E. 09/02/2024

Very good service, fast response to question. Will be giving them my business.