Dmitry | 18/04/2018 |
I have recently been fond of tea, and I'm not a fan of green teas. I liked this tea. When I opened the parcel there was a bright smell ... and it came from the packaging of this tea. The taste is slightly bitter, the aftertaste is slightly sweet, like a fresh pea. recommend. Thank you. Sorry for my English. . Если вы не знаете какой действительно хороший свежий зеленый чай купить весной, то купите этот. Вы не разочаруетесь. |
Ralph | 17/04/2018 |
here we have an assamica zhu ye qing from simao and not sinensis from emei, but the taste is very simliar. a typical slightly bitter cauliflower, cabbage, spinach aroma with slight metallic ion taste. it's definately a good one, if you like that very intenese and slightly bitter cabbage and cauliflower taste. the leaf quality is very good, it's not my personal taste, i rather like sweet and flowery greens and long jing, but for the lovers it's a typical taste and very good quality here, especially for an assamica zhu ye qing. |
Martin C. | 13/04/2018 |
Very good taste, smell and color... of course in the "yunnanish" way. It is definitely the yunnan taste, not the emei one. Overall - great tea to buy. Thank you much! |
Jacob N. | 30/11/-0001 |
A phenomenal tea that doesn't get boring. By the end of my session it was taking long 200° steeps like a champ. A previous review suggested sweet pea notes which I totally concur with. And with that I reach the end of my bag. Can't wait for the new harvest to come in stock. |
Jaime J. | 30/11/-0001 |
Really nice grassy taste |