annie L. | 07/05/2022 |
the tea is just what i want. good quality! |
John Y. | 05/05/2022 |
My first time to try "Zhu Ye Qing" green tea. I like it a lot! |
BCM | 16/04/2022 |
Dry leaves have a strong apricot aroma mixed with a bit of umami seaweedyness. The wet leaves smell of asparagus, spinach, seaweed and iodine. That seaweedy, spinachy note continues into the cup with a bit of minerality/iodine. Quite different from other green teas I have tried. Lasts a good number of steeps without the flavour dropping off. I went with 3g per 200ml in a glass cha hai at 80C, starting at 2 mins and increasing by 1 min each subsequent steep. |
Danny R. | 30/04/2021 |
It takes some time getting used too, the stepping i now do starting of with 70c for 20 secs, graddually extent time and increase temp. I get 10 steepings easily out of this tea at 7 grams, 150ml's. the sweetness reamains for a long time. |
Adrianne A. | 26/04/2021 |
This tea is wonderful. I especially love the unique smell. The dry leaves smell so good in a nutty way. The wet leaves smell really good too. I like how the tea tastes like a vegetable broth that has been seasoned. This tea is very uplifting! I should have bought more of this tea because I would love to drink it every day! |