Dmitriy B. 20/07/2022

Great tea!

Joerg K. 29/06/2022

As I had ordered this tea already the year before I had no doubt to order it again

Ian B. 29/05/2022

great smell and wonderful floral taste. a green oolong with nice flavor reminiscent of melon and good natural sweetness. i like more vegetal, buttery, and mineraly oolongs which this tea doesn't have much of, but is definitely a quality easy drinking tea especially for those new to good tea.

Tony H. 07/04/2022

The quality of this tea is outstanding, The floral sent of this makes me think it was scented, one of my favorites.

Russell K. 04/04/2022

Totally enjoyable . A great every day oolong easy on the wallet , easy drinking ?