Tom A. 07/01/2020

60ml Gaiwan, with 5g. Started with brief, flash steeps and then moved onto ~20s steeps. Needed to be pushed. Honestly, the flavor and aroma aren't really what this tea is all about. It's really about a transcendent feeling of time, beyond the qi, which is lovely by the way, lifting, centering, focusing, and sweetly calm. For me, drinking this tea is opening a door in time to something more sacred, precious, and revered, communing with an old, natural spirit, in a very heartfelt way. It's really remarkable, I've scarcely experienced tea like it before. And it lasts and lasts. Two days of steeping in the gaiwan, and a final day of grandpa style. Also, unlike all the other aged ripe I've had now, this feels like time did something meaningful to the tea, not just dried it out, it reminds me of the wonderfulness of properly aged sheng that is almost this old.

Joshua L. 02/01/2020

Ran 5g through a quart's worth of lovely, if light, steepings, to find little hard nuggets yet to have blossomed. Broke them up gently with the pu-pic and set in the stanley 1/3 full for a couple hours and the result is red date bliss. What does all this mean? Exceptional tea. How could it be anything else?

Sean T. 24/09/2019

What can I say... best I’ve had. Smoooooooooooooooooth! Creamy at 7th steep. Drank with a bunch of rough necks in the oil field... they appreciated it and mellowed like butter on hot toast... I’ll never forget that session. Worth the price for the experience and for them to remember for a lifetime.

Jb 29/12/2018

Wow! This tea is exceptional. The liquor for the first 5 infusions was dark golden oily with a think, smooth mouth feel, and pungent with the smell and taste of A mycelium rich old growth Forrest floor. The qi sat me into my seat and uplifted me bringing me into a gentle and powerful awareness of the present moment and bodily sensations. It Starting in my upper belly, and moved up through my chest “ heart opening” i felt the qi rise up into my throat and face bringing a smile and giggles, like an inner “qi massage” it danced it’s way up to the top of my head. (Call me crazy but I’m having fun) try it out yourself. This tea is powerfully intoxicating with a qi that is gently and gracefully full of force. Not sure what my tea to water ratios were, filled my gaiwan an 1/8 with tea. Started brewing with 20 second infusions slowly increasing time, with just under boiling water. a little goes a long way and I’m on the 9th infusion, still going... thanks for this tea.

Briar D. 02/12/2018

Exactly what I want out of Pu'erh. Clean, musty, "aged" flavor. Like a really old book. Not picking up on the oily or fruity notes mentioned by others. Considering buying a full Tuo Cha...