Tae-oh L. 2022-09-05

Soft, silky and fresh! I get a lovely bouquet on the nose and surprisingly rich mouthful, (pleasantly)reminiscent of sweet potatoes. I Love it!

Seth L. 2022-08-01

This tea was very interesting to drink, but not one that I would choose as a daily tea. I used 5grams in a 110mL Gaiwan, 180F water. Rinsed the tea for 10seconds, then brewed it 5 times, starting at 15 seconds and adding 5 every steep after The tea was very mild at the start, the second steep is when I started to get some floral notes and a little bitterness, but the third and fourth steeps is when this tea started to open up for me. Lots of floral flavor with a mild bitterness. I also got notes of pine and an herbal, peppery flavor that reminded me of fresh basil. There was some mild, savory, nutty notes at the end, but to me the dominant flavors were floral and herbal. Overall this tea trends towards the "greener" flavors and I did not get much of the more savory, nutty notes you might find in other greens. It has a very thirst quenching quality and I will be trying to cold brew it next to see what flavors I can find there. The 2022 Mao Feng was not my favorite, but I was glad to try and and see all of the different flavors I am not used to

Stephen D. 2022-06-18

This is one of my go to greens for daily drinking. It has a very fresh taste and it’s slightly floral. You can over steep it and it won’t get Astringent on you.

Ian B. 2022-05-29

delicious flavor that's very hard to describe, i guess lightly fruity tasting. smells wonderful. the problem is i can't seem to steep it to get the flavor i can smell in the tea into the infusion and my tea ends up tasting bland at worst and at best tastes light but is carried by the smell (flavor is only being able to be tasted in the drink and not just the smell after 15+ minutes of steeping). maybe it's the water quality i use but overall i feel like the potential this tea has may be lost unless made with very high quality water or other factors i'm not aware of.

Jaime J. 2022-05-12

Great purchase overall at a good price.