James S. 2019-03-19

Im not going to describe the flavor profile, because after reading the other reviews as well as Scott’s description of this tea , I can see that the flavor and aroma that I am picking up are already described here. I will say this, when the tea arrived I brewed it up in my gaiwan, smelled the wet leaves, took a sip, and then immediately took out my phone and ordered another 250g. It’s that good. The aroma and taste of this tea truly blew me away. I have tried Duck Shits that were significantly more expensive yet barely half as good as this one. The King of Duck Shit Is truly a fitting name

Pascal W. 2019-01-16

Really nice nice balanced duckshit Good smell, mild taste, great texture and sweet Huigan Me and my girlfriend did a blind tasting against 2 Duck shit Oolongs from other companies (mad fun btw) and we realized that YS King of Duckshit is the real King It has many different layers of taste and it did change between steeps Huigan has so much more to offer than others This Duck Shit is really subtle and you need to take your time to get all the different taste notes

Jandro 2019-01-15

This was my introduction to Dan Cong and I kind of regret not having started with a lesser tea... What can be left after this? Extremely intense and balanced flavour, wonderful aroma, with fruity and flowery notes dancing in harmony and subtle roast in the background tying it all together. The flavour lasted for 4 flash brews without starting to subside, and once it did it the mineral notes that came kept the brew as interesting and balanced as before. I didn't notice any bitterness or astringency, but I was keeping the times low. I will push the tea more next time and I'm sure it won't disappoint. Yes it is pricey, but this is the best money I've ever spent on a drink! Simply fantastic.

anton 2018-11-14

Very happy with this tea. It is full of flavor and if you don't over brew it, it wont get astringent. I did approx. 92 degree water, quickly rinsed 5g in a 100ml gaiwan and did a 20 second first brew, then 25, 30, 40, 60 etc.

Lain 2018-09-22

Aromatic, rich & bold flavor, slight astringency, sweet notes like of honey, not too flowery. It's really balanced as the description says, nothing overpowering, just a delicious cup of tea. Can easily be an everyday tea.