Michael M. 2020-09-14

I like this tea very much but I do not get even a hint of smokiness. The fragrance is more like chocolate.

Timothy S. 2020-06-29

I've never tried this type of tea before but I will definitely be ordering again. I think I'm hooked on this smokeyness.

Cliffie 2019-06-14

I'm used to getting Lapsang from my local tea shops, and they're always total smoke bombs. That can be nice if you're in the mood for it, but this Zheng Shan Xiao Zhong is on a whole different level. It has a much subtler, more nuanced smoke that doesn't dominate the other flavors. Instead, the smoke supports the more floral and malty notes, creating a rich sweet and savory balance that keeps bringing me back for another sip.

Alex V. 2019-01-14

Аромат этого чая сильный, ощущаются нотки дыма, фруктов, чернослива и мёда. Но всё же дымка маловато, всё же это Лапсанг Сушонг! Вкус тоже довольно впечатляющий, приятный. Хороший красный чай на каждый день.

Toby 2018-07-28

I bought this hoping for a nice smoky lapsang, but the smoke flavour here is very subtle. Unfortunately that doesn't stop there being a reasonable amount of tarryness in the taste. The tea is otherwise sweet and has nice hints of chocolate. Overall this is a nice enough black tea, but not a smoky lapsang if that is what you are looking for.