Bastian S. | 2021-02-01 |
It's an exellent tea, one of my favourites actually. Since I'm quite a nouveau in chinese tea trinking, I'm not great at describing the flavour. However - trying my best -, it's somewhat earthy and roasty with nuances of chocolaty raspberries. All in all, I'd very much recommend it to anybody! |
Mark | 2021-01-05 |
This tea has one of the most delicious scents I have ever encountered in a tea. Well Deserves its status as a famous tea. |
Jean R. | 2020-12-10 |
Very nice, mineral taste developing after the second steep, amazing bouquet! |
Aaron W. | 2020-04-05 |
Such a beautiful oolong. Gongfu style good for about 5 steepings. You can steep it more but the first 5 are my favorite. Aquatic, elegant and a touch of something floral. Smoky and complex. Mineral mouth feel. Hard exactly to explain but the words golden water turtle really do resonate with this one for me. I prefer this over the golden water key personally. |
Pol C. | 2019-02-03 |
This tea has a rich red, brown and golden tea soup (note that I'm color blind...). It starts off delicate with notes of roasted wood and some bitterness. The light charcoal grilled flavor and bitterness marry very well in a balanced way. The tea has a pleasant mouthfeel with a noticeable body and "weight". The flavors linger well after having swallowed the tea and its profile remains rich and consistent with each infusion. I get about 7 infusions with this tea. |