Nick H. | 2019-07-03 |
This was my first time trying a Jin Jun Mei and I really enjoy it. The dry leaf aroma is some of the most pungent I have come across. To me it smells a bit like a barbeque along with a yeasty, bready, malty aroma. The wet leaf retains a lot of these aromas and really so does the taste. It's also got a super thick sweet after taste that sticks with you for several minutes. Highly recommend this tea. |
Aleksei | 2019-06-10 |
The taste and aroma are more like nectar than honey. In my childhood, we used to take a bee from the flower and push slightly on its neck, there appeared a tiny little drop of greeny-yellow liquid. It is nectar they gather from the flowers. The aroma was so sweet and nice that my head used to go around. I'm drinking Jin Jun Mei now and I feel myself again in my childhood, standing in the midst of flowers in the sunny day and breathing the aroma of summer, flowers and the nectar. Аромат и вкус мне больше напомнил не запах мёда, а аромат нектара. Когда-то в детстве, мы с друзьями снимали пчёл с цветка и лёгонько жали ей на шею, тоагда они выделяли каплю жёлто-зелёной жидкости, нектара, который они собрали. Запах был такой, что голова кружилась. Сейчас я пью Цзинь Цзюнь Мэй, и я снова очутился в детстве. Солнечный день, цветы, трава и аромат нектара. |
Jessie D. | 2019-05-26 |
2019 version is luscious! Malty and sweet. Very smooth! Used cooler water and it came out so nice. Looking forward to tasting this again in 6 months! |
Pascal W. | 2019-01-16 |
Very malty and chocolaty Not so intense, like the Imperial Grade |
Zack L. | 2018-12-08 |
Just a fantastic example this year (look at previous years for additional reviews). Full honey flavor and that deep bread-like aroma. |