John K. | 2021-06-09 |
Typical Long Jing appearance. Flattened leaves. Not a bright, jade green but more of an earthy green mixed with lighter brown and tannish colors. Dry leaf aroma is kind of nutty and vegetal. 1st Infusion (4.5 g, 100 mL, 15 seconds, 165 deg, brief wash): The aroma is a light yellow and reminds of roasted vegetables – not like a vegetal Japanese sencha, though. Tea is medium in body, not astringent or bitter, and has a little bit of sweetness to it. There is maybe a hint of something like sweet corn. The aroma of savory, roasted vegetables carry over into the flavor, as well. Kind of nutty – maybe chestnut? 2nd Infusion (4.5 g, 20 seconds, 165 deg): This infusion is the same color but significantly nuttier in flavor. A little bit of bitterness and astringency. A good bit of the vegetal flavor is gone. Still has some sweetness/umami flavor. Easy drinking. Not at all unpleasant. 3rd Infusion (4.5 g, 25 seconds, 165 deg): A little past peak now. Nutty flavor that was prominent in the second infusion has abated somewhat. Still easy drinking. This is a good example of a “savory” Chinese green tea. The nutty/bean-like notes remind you of a cooked vegetable dish. This also works (as suggested in the description) drank more “Grandpa Style,” as well. This is a good example of a “savory” Chinese green tea. The nutty/bean-like notes remind you of a cooked vegetable dish. This also works (as suggested in the description) drank more “Grandpa Style,” as well. This tea is also good (though the flavor is a bit different, and not quite as rich) brewed Western style (2-3 g per cup). |
Alex H. | 2021-06-04 |
Good quality Long Jing for the price! |
Adrian D. | 2021-05-19 |
Very good quality tea! Nutty and vegetal with hints of butter, especially in the aftertaste. Soft and luxurious mouthfeel with a long-lasting and pleasant finish. This was both my first Chinese green tea and my first time brewing Grandpa-style, and this was absolutely the perfect introduction to both of these. Would definitely buy again! |
Vishal B. | 2021-04-07 |
I've been buying this tea every year from Yunnan sourcing over the last 10 years, and this years batch is phenomenal! The nutty-ness, umami and light sweet vegetal aftertaste probably one of the best I have had so far! The number of steeps it last for is quite amazing! |
Jessie D. | 2020-11-22 |
Very nice Dragon Well. I liked it better than the Imperial, which is a bit lighter and more buttery. This Premium one is nutty, sweet, umami and hay. Very nice and well-priced too. |