Dmitriy P. 2019-11-09

Perfect tea!!!

Michael F. 2019-10-02

This is what I drink when I want to treat myself. My favorite! Excellent tea and, as always, excellent customer care at Yunnan Sourcing Tea Shop.

Israel K. 2019-09-28

Хороший чай, чувствуется и глубина и чистота.

Константин 2019-06-08

Чай 2018 года , но друзья вкус и аромат как будто только собранный с куста. Это лучший тегуаньинь который я пробовал.

Joseph E. 2019-05-09

I got this and it's currently the third Tie Guan Yin I've ever tried. The first was a fancy grade Tie Guan Yin from a local tea shop, the second was Master Zhang's Spring 2018 from Verdanttea, and this is now the third and man oh man, is it different. While I've only had three Tie Guan Yins, I've had quite a lot of Anxi Oolongs and I've noticed that they often all have a common theme - a nectar-like fruitiness combined with some leafy notes, with a subtle and smooth sour aftertaste that occasionally leaves a hint of astringency. This was true for the fancy Tie Guan Yin I tried as well as Master Zhang's (even though those two tasted like different entities as they were). This one...does not follow that. Not at all - it's nothing like any Anxi Oolong I've had before. It has such a raw, "natural" flavor, and i have no better way of describing it. A lot of teas have a mineral-like flavor that lingers with each sip but it's absent in this one, allowing the full flavor of the tea to come forward and truly shine. It combines an intense flavor of orchid with sweet-grass in a Sorrell-like taste, similar to what Adam said in his review, and it's very upfront with it as well - I'm going to be honest, the first few times i had this tea i was disappointed by the flavor as it seemed to become spent very quickly after two steeps, but upon trying it more and more, i realized the flavor was "transforming" into a different entity. It became one of wet stone and petrichor with elements of sweetgrass and orchid now taking the back seat, and when i got used to this it was incredibly soothing and calming. Drinking this tea reminds me a lot of sitting in an old Japanese village in a valley on a rainy summer's evening. The smell, taste, and texture connects with this image perfectly, and it's one i can no longer shake from my mind and i find myself craving it every time its flavor wafts in from my memories. I'd highly recommend giving this tea a try - it's definitely unique and foreign and may not be for everyone, but you may equally find yourself very pleasantly surprised by how you like this - i know i was.