Дмитрий 2019-12-17

Именно тот, который пил в Китае несколько лет назад. В российских магазинах такого не нашел. Прекрасно выдерживает до 8 проливов, сохраняя вкус и аромат. Огромное спасибо!

Genesis 2019-12-09

This tie guan yin has a nice and vibrant "green-ness" to it in both taste and color of the brewed leaves. They also have a lot of fresh spinach notes accompanied by the classic sweet floral notes of a modern tie guan yin. Great daily drinker.

Luis M. 2019-10-21

I have tried multiple Tie Guan Yin from different sources, but this one beats them all so far. It has the typical flavour you would expect, but a deeper/broader aroma than I've known from other Tie Guan Yin teas. And to think that this is not even the highest grade.

José f. 2019-08-28

Althoug I'm not a tea expert the tasting experience with this tea has been very pleasant. I tried Iron goddess of good quality from another more expensive store and the overall experience has been similar. Thank you YS to spread the world of tea.

Andrey T. 2019-05-08

Очень добротный чай. Оптимальное сочетание цены и качества. Несмотря на то, что он относительно недорог, это тот самый Те Гуан Инь с присущими ему нотками, который ни с чем нельзя перепутать.