Delshaun S. | 2024-05-06 |
yunnan sourcing is my go to company for all my teas... freshness, taste, price, shipping times and benefits of the teas is my reason for choosing yunnan over most other companies...what you see is what you get from yunnan them...they deliver whatever you need |
Raisa K. | 2024-04-28 |
One of my daily drinkers, and a crowd pleaser that I serve to guests. I take this tea to work as well as it's easy to brew! This jasmine silver needle is unique because usually it's made from Yunnan silver needle instead of the usual Fuding. This adds an extra layer of fruitiness, like a banana! The aroma is also sweet like taffy and honey. Love how strong and visible the jasmine is as well. I got more steeps from it than expected when brewing gong fu style and the initial steeps are pretty flavorful. |
Bastien H. | 2024-02-29 |
A classic for me, don't hesitate to test it with room temperature infusion. I even prefer these silver needles than the one from Fujian :) |
Sean L. | 2024-02-12 |
Incredibly floral, sweet and light. Solid tea. Makes your house smell like a flower shop lol |
Karina L. | 2024-01-31 |
Absolutely great tea with intelligent taste and aroma! |