Jupiter R. | 2022-08-09 |
Excellent smooth ripe. Like other reviewers pointed out... expected less, got more! Good value. |
Julia | 2022-07-06 |
I bought this puer seduced by the price and the reviews. It is okay for the price, but not as good as other reviewers say. There is no complexity to the taste, just very plain tea. I tried to brew it in a cup and in a yixing teapot. For me it's not worth the hassle of pin cha, but it's good enough to brew it in a cup, when I don't have much time, to have a little concentration boost while I'm working. It's much lighter than puer cakes, I even drank it in the evening without having any sleep issues afterwards. But I don't like it in the morning. |
Devon T. | 2021-11-30 |
When you consider the price of this pu-ehr, it is an absolute steal. Nice and smooth, and surprisingly complex for the price point like all previous reviews say. This particular tea doesn't have a strong nose to it, but is just an all around satisfying ripe. |
Jammy T. | 2021-11-13 |
Very nice ripe tea. I wasn't expecting much due to the very low price, but I was pleasantly surprised by it's complexity and smoothness. |
LaoBai | 2021-10-12 |
This "everyday" tea measures up very well against many of the more costly ripe Pu'ers from the same region. Leaf size might be one factor, but you would have to be tasting it very carefully to notice the difference. This tea has a full, rich flavor. I brew it in a small ceramic teapot with a large mesh basket that lets the leaves spread out and expand. Typically use 5 grams of dry leaf, though sometimes I do it by eye. This is the kind of tea that will still brew up well if you aren't precise. I call it a "forgiving" tea. Use water at a full boil, and quickly rinse the dry leaves to remove the dust and "wake them up." Throw that water away. Then refill the teapot and let it steep until it looks right, a minute or so. Let it steep longer on the 3rd and 4th steeps. I often buy an extra bag of this tea to give to my brother, who appreciates a robust cup of tea but is not a true connoisseur. He appreciates how easy it is to brew well and how pleasing and consistent the results are. Some days I even add a few rose buds that I brought over from China. They add a faint rose flavor and aroma. |