Luis G. 2021-05-27

This green tea taste very much like a sencha. Fresh, green and savory. low bitterness and medium astringency. Low sweetness in the aftertaste. A straightforward cutgrass green, without too much complexity, not a trace of toasted notes like the mayority of chineses greens.

Polina B. 2021-05-27

One of my favorite teas.

Vaida V. 2021-01-07

every its perfect

Francesco C. 2020-11-15

Great price for quality

Ryan P. 2020-11-10

Lu Shan Yun Wu is an old favorite spring treat of mine. I've only ever drank Pre-Qing Ming (Ming Qian) Lu Shan through a different vendor, so I thought I'd check out this Yu Qian pluck. Sure enough it has that sweet satisfying, cane sugar cream and lively umami flavor. Not too different from a Ming Qian Imperial Lu Shan, It's difficult to drink this tea without slurping it loud! This could be a nice "bridge" tea for a Japanese tea nerd to the wonders of Chinese tea and definitely a good introduction for someone who is only aware of tea bag dust.