Ning W. 2019-01-02

Excellent Bai Hao white tea! Very smooth with sweet grass and sugarcane taste. Steeps about 5 or 6 times gong fu style. 85C water, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 80s.

Frank M. -0001-11-30

This appears to be an exceptional year for the Fuding White Teas. I heard it said once that China keeps the best for itself but every once in a while, especially with Scott's connections, we get to sample a high end tea such as this one. Thank you, Scott

A -0001-11-30

While this is not the fanciest Bai Hao Yin Zhen that I've tried, it's probably the most bang for your buck, so to speak. I've had some inconsistencies between shipments, where one or two batches were not as good as the other ones, but it's still, in my humble opinion, the best white silver needle on this website. It also lasts for a while and is fairly easy to brew. I've been getting outstanding result with both Gong Fu and non Gong Fu methods.

Felipe A. -0001-11-30

Hint mix a good pinch at a temperature of 90 degrees Celsius for about 20 seconds in a 180 cl gaiwan. The resulting concoction has a great aroma and a very pleasant taste.