Gary T. 2017-05-30

I received this cake about a year ago and it just seems to be getting better and better. I have now enjoyed at least forty or fifty different recipes of ripe puerhs from many factories. I, luckily, have not found any i do not like. I did take my time when choosing which ripes to order. I read many, many reviews (of course i have my favorites i choose to heed more than others). Took the advise of Scott and (Denny and James) and thank them all for their experienced opinions. I did not just throw a dart at the order form. Consequently , i have not received a ripe i have not enjoyed. Some have flavors etc. that i enjoy more than others, but they have all been very good and drinkable. This Menghai 2011 '0532' is another bold, rich, creamy recipe from the 'King of Ripe Puerh'. Fabulous quality premium tea and at a bargain price. I am totally satisfied . If you are a shou fan, i'm sure you will appreciate this offering! Tea on