Brent O. 2025-01-22

Musty ripeness, ok after about 9 steeps. First pu erh though. Gonna try different puerhs.

Ali B. 2025-01-08

Really great

Ellie S. 2024-12-07

Drinking it right now! Really nice mouth-feel and depth of flavor. Perfect size for all-day drinking. I plan to order many more of these.

Giacomo G. 2024-10-11

Tightly pressed so it is quite difficult to portion. The smell is very earthy with some deep notes of fermentation and the taste reflects it, it has a strong taste. Compared to other shu Puerh the fermented note is very deep. The body is medium/light. Overall a nice tea to drink.

Vida 2024-07-27

I began my journey of gongfu cha with jasmine green, and I loved it. Now I am trying many kinds of tea, this is the kind of pu-erh I will use to introduce friends to this category of tea. It’s smooth, mellow, earthy yet clean smelling. It reminds me of clean straw in a barn, which is a boyhood memory. Wonderfully dark and rich, almost like a stout beer mouth feel, but no bitterness at all. 212° F with a 10 second rinse, 30 second first infuse, then 10,15, 20 seconds etc. many steeps possible. Lovely clean head, almost a buzz like tobacco! Pro tip- Break apart the tuo with a small flathead screwdriver in an eyeglasses set. Helps to get between leaves and pry them out.